Kingfisher Court

Published: 18-Aug-2014

HPFT new mental health inpatient unit near Radlett continues to attract significant attention for its contemporary, non clinical, and welcoming design.

Hertfordshire Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust’s (HPFT) new mental health inpatient unit near Radlett continues to attract significant attention for its contemporary, non clinical, and welcoming design.

Phase 1 of Kingfisher Court, a new adult in-patient mental healthcare facility in Radlett, opened to patients last month following three days of open events hosted by HPFT. Stakeholders, service users and carers were invited to tour the new facilities and hear talks by Trust staff, designers P+HS Architects and artists involved in the scheme. There was even the opportunity to stay overnight in the en-suite rooms and give feedback so any final adjustments could be made.

Tom Cahill, Chief Executive, said: “It is a real pleasure to see Kingfisher Court well on the way to welcoming its first service users. I’m also delighted that we have been able to throw open the doors to our staff and the public, to give them the chance to look around this fantastic facility. This unit has been five years in the making and I hope it will provide a therapeutic environment where our service users can begin their recovery journeys, now and in the years to come.”

Earlier this month, Nick Clegg chose Kingfisher Court to announce that his party's next election manifesto would include a pledge to raise annual research spending in England by £50m by 2020.

<i>© David Churchill</i>

© David Churchill

Kingfisher Court has five wards and is set within a tranquil woodland landscape. The largely single-storey building blends well with its natural surroundings, following the gentle contours of the site. Internally the building is airy and filled with natural light, with crisp shapes, splashes of vibrant colours and generous windows offering ever-changing views onto the landscape. Despite the size of the development (over 8000m²), the design feels personal and far removed from a large institution.

Following her open day visit Kerry, a former inpatient described the new facility “What I noticed most is the design - it didn't feel like an inpatient environment. It looked friendly and was extremely spacious. The outdoor gardens were incredible and you didn't feel far removed from the outside world, yet the unit still was secure and safe. Every little detail has been thought about and it had a really homely feel.“

The opening of Phase 2, later this year, is eagerly awaited.

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