For the next four years, Medstor will be working with the many healthcare Trusts using the framework to deliver on the NHS SBS vision: "Helping the NHS to save money and enhance quality so that the NHS can improve health, innovate to save lives and deliver better outcomes with care and compassion."
The Medstor Product Portfolio
Medstor materials handling solutions are built around hospital and clinical needs, with every product designed to make the most of all available space. They make it easy to store, see and access essential supplies and allow staff to spend more time with patients and less searching for drugs and consumables.
As everything produced by Medstor is designed and built in-house in the UK, quality is controlled from start to finish. Modular stylish cabinetry in a variety of sizes and with a wide range of uses, high-density racking, mobile department-specific, module carts, bespoke scrub or catheter storage or the full redesign of operating theatre preparation rooms – Medstor has the product to fit.

NHS SBS was established to maximise the NHS’s enormous purchasing power, as well as to improve quality and patient safety and reduce inefficiencies. Any Trust procuring Medstor’s specialist healthcare materials management solutions via NHS SBS can be confident that the route to market is OJEU-compliant and the products and business are pre-approved, having met the strict requirements of the framework. They also come with agreed terms and conditions and legal protections.
Getting onto NHS SBS is a very demanding process, and one that Medstor was very happy to invest in to ensure that its portfolio of storage products can be supplied to the NHS in the most cost-effective way possible.
There were some key changes to the framework this year. Firstly, Procure 23 will be running the framework, with the primary focus on new builds and refurbishments. Orders will come directly from the main contractor following specification by the architects, with equipment installed on site by it or Medstor. Secondly, at the tender stage, all applicants have to demonstrate compliance with Procurement Policy Note (PPN) 06/20.
NHS PPN 06/20
NHS PPN 06/20 has had a profound effect on the NHS SBS tender criteria, with a much more explicit focus on social value. Over recent months, Medstor has done a lot of work to ensure the company is responding to the five core priorities laid out in PPN 06/20, so in its submission was able to demonstrate its firm commitment to this new policy note. The five priorities are:
1. Covid-19 recovery
2. Tackling economic inequality
3. Fighting climate change
4. Driving equal opportunity
5. Wellbeing
Allison Seabourne, Medstor Sales Director, says of the company’s inclusion on NHS SBS: “We are very pleased to once again be on this framework, which recognises the huge effort we put into maintaining only the highest quality design and manufacture standards throughout our range, and also the way we, as a company, operate to care for our workforce, our community, and our planet.”