GP Connect improves patient safety with real-time access to medical records

Published: 26-Sep-2024

GP Connect is significantly boosting clinical safety and efficiency by providing real-time access to primary care records, Midland Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust has found

‘The Benefits Realisation Report for GP Connect’, a report conducted by Midland Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust (MPFT), addresses longstanding concerns about inefficiencies and long waiting times within the NHS.

GP Connect is a system developed by NHS Digital in the UK, designed to enable healthcare professionals to securely share and access patients' medical records and information between different health and care systems, such as GP practices, hospitals, pharmacies, and urgent care providers.

88% of clinicians surveyed for the report stated that GP Connect has enabled them to save time, provide better patient care, and eliminate frustrating waits

GP Connect aims to improve the continuity of care, reduce administrative burdens, and enhance patient outcomes by allowing better access to patient records in real time.

88% of clinicians surveyed for the report stated that GP Connect has enabled them to save time, provide better patient care, and eliminate frustrating waits.

CCIO at MPFT, Ben Jeeves, said: "GP Connect is transforming how we deliver healthcare by providing instant access to vital patient information. This report depicts the significant improvements in clinical safety and efficiency we've achieved so far, demonstrating the critical role of integrated digital solutions in modern healthcare."

Integration with Access Rio EPR system

Central to this transformation is the integration with Access Rio Electronic Patient Record (EPR) system.

Rio by the Access Group, a UK-based software company, is a widely used EPR system within the NHS, facilitating seamless information sharing and coordination among healthcare providers.

The integration of GP Connect with Rio ensures that clinicians have comprehensive and up-to-date patient information at their fingertips.

Currently, Rio holds more than 1 million patient records, and over the past two years, upwards of 800,000 referrals have been made to MPFT.

GP Connect does not replace any existing systems. Instead, it complements them.

There are 6,800 MPFT licensed users of the Rio clinical system, and only service users with clinical records in Rio have
access to the GP Connect click-through feature.

59% of GP Connect users reported a reduction in paper use, reducing MPFT’s carbon footprint and supporting the aim of a net zero NHS

This approach maintains data security and integrity, ensuring that only authorised users can access and use GP Connect's enhanced functionalities.

It also preserves the consistency of information and prevents potential discrepancies from integrating multiple systems.

Vicky Mudd, Clinical Director for Access Health, Support, and Care, comments: "The integration of GP Connect with our Access Rio EPR system is a significant advancement for healthcare providers."

"By using technology to our advantage and to improve the standards of patient care across the board; Rio’s compatibility with GP Connect ensures that healthcare professionals can access the vital information they need efficiently and effectively.

"This integration further enables our commitment to enhancing patient safety and care efficiency through digital solutions."

Positive impact on daily workflows

Clinicians have reported a noticeable impact on their daily workflows. The ability to quickly retrieve and review patient records has streamlined various administrative tasks, allowing healthcare professionals more time to focus on direct patient care.

Further, 76% of Clinicians have stated that GP Connect speeds decision-making, this improvement in workflow efficiency is a vital step towards better patient outcomes and more streamlined healthcare.

Cost savings and digital transformation

The report highlights the potential financial benefits associated with GP Connect. By reducing unnecessary tests, duplicate procedures, and administrative burdens, GP Connect could contribute to significant cost savings for MPFT.

Additionally, 59% of GP Connect users reported a reduction in paper use, reducing MPFT’s carbon footprint and supporting the aim of a net zero NHS.

This also aligns with the broader NHS agenda of digital maturity and interoperability, aiming to create a more efficient and sustainable health service.

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