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Published: 27-Jan-2014

Obtain razor-sharp images with TRUMPF Medical Systems’ TruVidia camera solutions – now available in 3D

The new TruVidia 3D in-light 3D camera completes TRUMPF Medical Systems’ range of camera solutions.

From the standard model in SD and the full-HD version to three-dimensional imaging, the medical technology manufacturer now offers the right camera for every OR requirement.

All TruVidia cameras can be integrated into existing TRUMPF surgical lights with camera system interfaces at no additional installation efforts.

TruVidia 3D sets new standards. Thanks to a higher number of pixels and progressive image reconstruction, its images are sharper, more detailed, and more lifelike. This gives doctors inside and outside the operating theatre – be it surgeons following a live transmission or resident physicians studying video footage – an even more realistic view of what is going on at the operating table.

In addition to enhanced 3D images, the camera can show 2D images in full HD quality. It is also possible to change views even during recording.

A built-in routing functionality for two image sources rounds off the new TruVidia 3D’s all-in-one package.

Standardiaed and partly automated functions make TruVidia cameras easy and intuitive to use. The TruVidia control unit serves as a hub for operating all camera functions and outputting video and still-image data in all common signal formats. Surgeons can also sterilely handle the three most-important camera functions using the operating panel for TRUMPF’s iLED 5 surgical light.

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