Cumberland infirmary gets £15m endoscopy unit

Published: 28-Aug-2024

A £15m endoscopy unit is being built by Actiform in the grounds of the Cumberland infirmary, which is expected to open in the Spring of 2025

A new £15m endoscopy unit is being built on the grounds of the Cumberland infirmary. 

Modular building expert Actiform is the contractor for this £15m build.

Diagnostic equipment specialist Ergéa is also on board with the build.

Funding was secured from NHS England for the new building which is anticipated to open in the Spring of 2025.

The Cumberland Infirmary currently has only one endoscopy room which is of a suitable size and two smaller rooms that do not meet national accreditation standards.

The new build will include five clinical rooms that all meet modern standards as well as an outpatients area.

The Cumberland Infirmary currently has only one endoscopy room which is of a suitable size and two smaller rooms that do not meet national accreditation standards

The expansion of the service also means patients currently travelling to Newcastle for a procedure can be seen more locally in Carlisle.

The unit will increase the number of procedures carried out to help diagnose a range of conditions and diagnosis will be quicker – particularly cancers – as 99% of patient will receive their diagnostic procedure within 6 weeks of referral.

The new infirmary is also anticipated to reduce waiting lists in turn and accreditation with the National Joint Advisory Group (JAG) on GI Endoscopy will be achievable, showing best practice and the highest of standards. 

The unit will provide higher standards and a better environment for patients and staff and it brings the services at CIC in line with the West Cumberland Hospital that North Cumbria Integrated Care NHS Foundation Trust upgraded in 2015.

The building will follow modern methods of construction

The building will follow modern methods of construction and will have a conventional look that ties in with the cancer centre. The building will be future-proof – there will be more room than we need now however, demand will increase and therefore the expansion within the unit will be there when required.

The current endoscopy unit within the main CIC building will be re-utilised the plans of which are not finalised.

The main benefits of the unit are:

  • Patients will be able to access endoscopy faster - 99% of patients will receive their diagnostic procedure within six weeks of referral in line with national standards
  • The additional rooms will have the capacity to provide a further 30 lists per week avoiding unnecessary travel outside of the region
  • Being able to treat more patients means it will reduce our waiting lists.
  • It will improve timely diagnosis, particularly for cancers
  • Accreditation with the national Joint Advisory Group (JAG) on GI Endoscopy will be achievable.
  • The unit will also provide improved training facilities for staff.
  • Upskilling staff - Any vacancies we have will be filled with mainly current staff who have expressed an interest in expanding their skills.

The site of the new endoscopy will mean the removal of some car parking spaces while the building work is taking place and they will be repurposed elsewhere on the site. 


Top image: An artist's impression of the front of the CIC Endoscopy

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