Service design

Published: 13-Nov-2023

Are your legacy services and arduous processes holding your organisation back from delivering quality health and care support?

It is people - your workforce, citizens, and their circles of care - who best understand your organisation's pain points, as they're the ones experiencing them first-hand. That's why CGI uses service design within CGI’s health and care team to apply their expertise in human research and identify the real need for change across your services.

CGI then helps you design solutions that completely transform health and care experiences, enabling:

  • Health equity - By addressing the needs and challenges of your service users, you will improve quality of life, reduce costs of treating preventable conditions, and benefit the wider economy.
  • User satisfaction - By making them part of the change journey, your users will understand your newly transformed service models, and know how to effectively access the healthcare support they need.
  • Empowered staff - By putting staff at the heart of transformation, they'll be motivated to embrace new ways of working that deliver both quality services to citizens, and promote their own wellbeing.

Read CGI's brochure to find out more about service design proposition. Or if you'd like an informal chat about what your transformation journey with CGI might look like, please click here and their health and care expert will be in touch.

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