Musgrove Park Hospital to deliver an improved e-Prescribing

Published: 7-Sep-2018

New electronic prescription service will improve patient experience and safety, while strengthening clinical decision-making

Musgrove Park Hospital in Somerset has formed a partnership with CGI, Marand, and Apperta Foundation that will help both patients and healthcare professionals by delivering an e-Prescribing and medicines administration (ePMA) solution to increase the quality of care.

The solution will improve patient outcomes, automate medicine management, improve the patient discharge process, and strengthen clinical decision support.

Crucially, it will reduce medicine related harm resulting from prescribing and administration errors.

The implementation of the ePMA system will replace time-consuming manual prescription and medication administration processes, freeing up clinicians to spend more time providing care to patients.

The elimination of the transcription of medicines lists between paper charts and the real-time remote access to patient medication records will enable healthcare professionals to have more time available for direct patient care.

Digital clinical support tools will aid clinical teams in improving prescribing and administration safety by reducing avoidable medication errors.

And the capture and transfer of complete, unambiguous, standardised medicines lists between systems and care settings will mean more -ccurate and timely medicines summaries are sent to GPs and will enable a quicker discharge process for patients and their families. These benefits will not only improve patient safety but also save the hospital money.

The solution will leverage Marand’s ePMA system, OPENeP, which is built on open standards. Data can be shared and received, regardless of supplier, to link up healthcare systems and create a final true patient record using the Think!EHR Platform.

Clinicians at Musgrove Park are directly involved in the development of the Marand OPENeP medication management system, working under the custodianship of the Apperta Foundation.

The solution also supports the Government’s objective under Personalised Health and Care 2020 to ensure different technology systems interoperate, allowing data to flow seamlessly under the appropriate controls.

David Chalkley, deputy chief clinical information officer at Musgrove Park Hospital, said: “We are pleased to partner with CGI for the implementation of the Marand OPENeP e-Prescribing and medicines administration (ePMA) solution.

“We believe that this world-class application will deliver significant patient safety gains, improve patient outcomes, support the delivery of better care, and lower care costs.

“CGI has the experience, knowledge and expertise to support us delivering this key project and realising our Global Digital Exemplar vision for an ePMA integrated with the Electronic Patient Record.”

Paul Infante, vice president of health and local government at CGI UK, added: “With the Government’s focus on e-Prescribing as a key area of investment, the role of technology to transform this industry continues.

“We are proud that we have the opportunity to partner with Musgrove Park Hospital on this exciting project to improve patient care. We look forward to continuing to take a key role in this market as it evolves.”

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