NHS Highland transforms telephony solutions

By Jo Makosinski | Published: 23-Mar-2023

Maintel delivers transformational telephony solution across eight community hospitals and selected GP practices

Argyll & Bute Health & Social Care Board (HSCP), part of NHS Highland Health Board, has selected Maintel to deliver a new and improved telephony system.

In a new hybrid working environment, 2,500 staff across eight community hospitals and selected GP practices now benefit from Maintel’s telephony solution, with patients being able to enjoy accessible, user-friendly phone contact. 

HSCP provides all health and social care services across a large area in the west of Scotland and its legacy telephony system had been in place for many years and had developed known issues.

Not only was it a significant financial overhead, but it was unable to support the integration of new technologies and was no longer providing value for money. 

Maintel was chosen to design a comprehensive-yet-cost-effective telephony solution that would introduce new features and applications to enhance call routing and handling and enable the HSCP to achieve its future integration goals.

The system was designed to be scaled and expanded as necessary to cover more GP practices, and encourage, support, and facilitate the close collaboration that its mixed management team needs to help improve patient care. 

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