GRAHAM’s pre-employment programme moves to Liverpool

Published: 20-Aug-2024

CRE8, construction expert GRAHAM’s pre-employment programme, has been delivered at Mossley Hill Mental Health Facility’s construction site in Liverpool

GRAHAM, a UK-based construction firm, has created a pre-employment programme that offers sustainable employment opportunities for local disadvantaged people.

CRE8, the pre-employment programme, has been delivered at Mossley Hill Mental Health Facility’s construction site in Liverpool. It aims to combat local unemployment/underemployment, attracting emerging talent to work in the construction industry. 

A key element of CRE8 is the inclusion of local recruitment and employability service partners, who are responsible and accountable for their specialisms. 

CRE8, the pre-employment programme, has been delivered at Mossley Hill Mental Health Facility’s construction site in Liverpool 

This involves recruiting suitable delegates, providing pre-employment training, carefully matching delegates with host employers, delivering CSCS-accredited site-based work experience, offering sustainable local employment opportunities and providing follow-on career advice. 

This is what makes CRE8 the first wrap-around initiative of its kind in construction.

Working collaboratively with Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust, Nobody Left Behind and Building Careers UK, five delegates completed GRAHAM’s most recent CRE8 programme, gaining work experience on the new Mossley Hill Mental Health Facility’s construction site.

A key element of CRE8 is the inclusion of local recruitment and employability service partners

GRAHAM, SCS, Kinlan Brickwork, and A+B Engineering hosted the delegates, providing each of them with a five-day work placement. During the week, the delegates gained an insight into the different roles each company plays, and their importance to the site and project.

The CRE8 work placements not only provide the delegates with a real-life understanding of the construction industry, but the unique nature of this project meant they developed specific knowledge regarding the requirements for building mental health facilities.

At the end of the week, one delegate received a full-time employment offer from their CRE8 host employer.

The other delegates have enrolled with Building Careers UK, who will support them by sourcing suitable sustainable local employment opportunities.

CRE8, the first wrap-around initiative of its kind in construction 

Peter Reavey, Regional Director at GRAHAM, said: “Having just delivered our ninth CRE8 programme, this evidences the positive impact social value initiatives can have on the local communities we work in. By developing strong collaborative partnerships, CRE8 is leading the way to support disadvantaged people help gain local sustainable employment opportunities.”

Mersey Care's Chief Finance Officer, Rob Collins, said: "Mersey Care sees itself at the heart of our local communities and supporting people's wellbeing. We have a strong record of working with the community during the building stages of our new facilities. As we look to delivering this new mental healthcare facility for patients, I am pleased to endorse the engagement with these five local delegates as they play their part in understanding how a facility like this comes together."


Top image: CRE8 delegates completing work experience tasks on-site at Mossley Hill

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