The latest product in Vernacare’s product development pipeline, the detergent-proof Maxi-WashBowl, is making a real difference to frontline patient care.
The new-size wash bowl was developed collaboratively with customers internationally and in the UK. Its greater capacity provides a single-use solution for a variety of tasks related to patient care, including leg ulcer bathing, infant bathing and emptying catheter bags. It can also be used as a receptacle for hospital cleaning.
“Vernacare is passionate about improving standards of patient care. Through the development of innovative new products like the Maxi-WashBowl, we are addressing an area where a single-use solution hasn’t previously been available to provide a hospital-wide single-use system,” said Emma Sheldon, group marketing director.
“The bowl is suitable for a range of tasks requiring a larger product, where our customers had been previously using plastic alternatives.”
A recent study across 88 hospitals in North America showed that 62.2% of ‘clean’ plastic wash bowls were actually contaminated with pathogens, including VRE and MRSA. The bowls had either been handwashed or processed in a washer disinfector, prior to being re-used for patient care. Studies like this highlight the significant risks that reusable systems and individual products pose to patient safety.
The original Vernacare detergent-proof washbowl, awarded the Queen's Award for Innovation in 2011, was introduced a number of years ago as a part of an improvement collaborative at Salford Royal NHS Foundation, helping to contribute to a reduction in Clostridium difficile infection rates of 56%. The trust continues to work with Vernacare, which has supported them in maintaining these standards.
“By listening to our customers and understanding their challenges, we are able to develop solutions to meet their needs,” said Jane Kent, market research manager at Vernacare.
“Our products are delivering real results at a time when there is immense pressure for our customers to achieve cost-saving targets.”
At a time of growing anti-microbial-resistance, the products are able to support infection prevention and are essential in reducing the risk of antibiotic resistant infections spreading. Healthcare organisations are also looking to implement impactful interventions to tackle spiralling HCAI costs. In Europe alone, it is estimated that around 4.5 million episodes of HCAIs are reported each year, with the cost to the UK NHS now widely believed to be over £1billion annually.