People-focused digital transformation: the key to revolutionise health and care experiences

Published: 17-Oct-2023

It’s no secret that the NHS is facing unprecedented challenges. From financial constraints and sustainability management, to workforce shortages and capacity issues, the need for our 75 year old institution to modernise and address mounting pressures has never been more urgent

This is especially necessary in the context of our rapidly changing world, where digital transformation is successfully reshaping industries across the board. With everything from retail to banking transitioning to digital environments that vastly improve user experiences, it’s time to look to the digital future of health and care.

At CGI, we believe this kind of organisational change isn't just about adopting new technologies; it's about prioritising people - your citizens, patients, and employees alike - to revolutionise their experiences of our healthcare system.

That’s why we wrote our blog – people-focused digital transformation: the key to revolutionise health and care experiences – to explore how strategic digital transformation can address the unprecedented challenges faced by the NHS on its mission to support a healthier population. We explore the essential ingredients for digital change and provide insights into how a human-centred approach can create a more effective healthcare system.

Learn more in CGI's blog, or if you’d like an informal chat about what your transformation journey with CGI might look like, please click here and our health and care expert will be in touch.

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