Light-activated antimicrobial technology is available on NHS Supply Chain for the first time

Published: 27-Jun-2024

NHS Supply Chain has made Steriwave's nasal photo-disinfection, light-activated antimicrobial technology available to prevent hospital infections for the first time

The Steriwave (trademarked) nasal photo-disinfection, developed by Canadian life sciences company Ondine Biomedical, is now available through the NHS Supply Chain, making it significantly easier for NHS hospitals in England and Wales to purchase.

This marks the first time a light-activated antimicrobial has been available through the NHS Supply Chain, a national body that manages the sourcing, delivery, and supply of healthcare products to the NHS and healthcare organisations in England and Wales.

Steriwave is a groundbreaking antimicrobial treatment that rapidly eliminates infection-causing pathogens without generating antimicrobial resistance (AMR). 

This innovative solution replaces the traditional antibiotic mupirocin, which is commonly used to decolonise the nose and help prevent healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) but has high rates of AMR and low patient compliance.

Steriwave is a groundbreaking antimicrobial treatment that rapidly eliminates infection-causing pathogens without generating antimicrobial resistance.

In March 2024, Mid Yorkshire Teaching NHS Trust became the first in the UK to commercially adopt Steriwave as the standard of care for hip and knee surgery patients to prevent surgical site infections (SSIs). 

As previously announced, the commercial adoption of Steriwave at Pontefract and Pinderfields NHS Hospitals followed a successful initial deployment at Pontefract Hospital.

Dr Stuart Bond, Consultant Antimicrobial Pharmacist and Director of Innovation at Mid Yorkshire Teaching NHS Trust, said: “We are very pleased to be the first NHS Trust to give patients access to this important new technology.” 

“SSIs can have a devastating effect on patients and their families, and we are pleased that we have demonstrated the feasibility of using Steriwave in our Orthopaedic Centre of Excellence at Pontefract Hospital. It is a real step forward to making Steriwave more widely available across the Trust,” Dr Bond concluded.

SSIs, among the most common HAIs, affect one in 20 NHS surgical patients

Ondine is also collaborating with Mid Yorkshire Teaching NHS Trust and Health Innovation Yorkshire & Humber to sponsor a health economic analysis with the York Health Economics Consortium (YHEC). 

The findings of this study, expected later this year, will be used to support further adoption of Steriwave across the NHS and additional surgical applications.

SSIs, among the most common HAIs, affect one in 20 NHS surgical patients and cost NHS England over £2bn annually, with costs expected to rise due to increasing AMR. 

The World Health Organisation (WHO) and the National Institute for Health and Excellence (NICE) recommend eliminating harmful pathogens from the nasal cavities before surgery as a key approach to preventing SSIs. 

Steriwave uses a proprietary photosensitive microbial stain and activating red light to destroy nasal pathogens in a single, five-minute treatment without triggering AMR.

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