Suncare - feeling the heat

Published: 22-May-2009

As formulations become more sophisticated, sun care manufacturers are looking for new ways to educate consumers about safety in the sun. Emma Reinhold reports

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As formulations become more sophisticated, sun care manufacturers are looking for new ways to educate consumers about safety in the sun. Emma Reinhold reports

Despite the recent run of summer washouts, today’s sun care market is shining brighter than ever. With product innovation at an all time high, sun care products are reaching a wider audience than ever before and the message about sun safety seems to finally be getting through – to certain consumer groups at least.

According to Euromonitor International the global sun care market was valued at €5.59bn in 2008, an increase of 6.6% on the previous year. Sun protection remained the largest sector, growing 7.4% to €4.5bn, while after sun sales grew 5.1% to €401m, and the self-tanning sector rose 0.6% to €490m.

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