Specialist online therapy service to launch this week

Published: 17-Apr-2018

UK-first to bring psychological therapy within easy reach

This week, a nationally-renowned psychological therapy practice launches the UK’s first online therapy service.

Your MindSmith Online Therapy is using modern technology to bring Harley Street levels of psychological therapy within reach of everyone, wherever in the UK they live.

Counselling psychologist, Dr Debbie Smith, owner and founder of Your MindSmith, believes the demand for mental health treatment has never been higher and that online one-to-one therapy via video-link offers an ideal solution.

She said: “The benefits of online therapy are massive. Sessions take place in total confidence, at a time and place that suits the client, with no need to seek cover for childcare or work.

“Of course, the benefits aren’t only for individuals. Employers benefit, too, with less absenteeism and happier, more-productive staff.”

She said that, between them, her team of 14 qualified psychological therapists have the skills to treat every psychological condition - from mild social anxiety to severe addiction or depression.

Each psychologist has been carefully selected for their experience and know-how in their specialist field.

“Gone are the days when people can’t receive the treatment they need,” said Dr Smith.

“Our service, offering confidential and secure online therapy, will make a real difference to people’s emotional and mental wellbeing. Sitting nervously in waiting rooms with other patients will be a thing of the past.”

Internet technology also means reduced costs, with ‘taster’ sessions starting from £75.

“Interestingly, the fee isn’t our patients’ biggest concern,” said Dr Smith.

“They appreciate the prospect of fast, effective and personal treatment - the right help at the right time from a service they can trust.

“Our experience confirms that early intervention with sound, evidence-based therapies can protect people from a declining spiral that can lead to medication and time off work.

“Therapy can give people the insights, tools and strategies they need to take back control of their lives.”

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