The Council opted for CM2000’s CallConfirmLive! solution to improve the transparency and accountability of home care services.
Introducing electronic care monitoring technology is a pioneering move for Pembrokeshire County Council and forms part of a wider change management programme, including a new Provider framework. 60% of providers are up and running with CallConfirmLive! which has delivered immediate results.
This model gives the Council the greatest quality control in external care delivery and the potential to achieve savings.”
Simon Rider, Group Marketing Manager, CM2000 said: “This method of implementing monitoring is different to all other Councils in Wales as Pembrokeshire owns their independent providers’ monitoring data and has 24/7/365 access to it. This dramatically reduces administrative boundaries that can hinder or delay delivery and waste much needed resources. This model gives the Council the greatest quality control in external care delivery and the potential to achieve savings.”
Cllr Simon Hancock, Cabinet Member for Adult Services, Health and Well-Being and Equalities for Pembrokeshire County Council said: “This use of technology will allow the Council to monitor services delivered by a wide range of Domiciliary Care providers, enabling the Council to monitor quality indicators such as punctuality, duration of visit and care worker continuity, that will provide visibility on service delivery for vulnerable older people. At the same time, it will ensure more effective and transparent payments to providers.”
Ian Randell, Strategic Commissioning Manager, explains the benefits and learnings to date: “In year one of the contract, the Council has achieved an efficiency saving of £413k, and of course there is future cost avoidance which helps to protect the public purse in the longer term. We’re also seeing staff efficiencies by reducing some of the duplication of effort within the brokerage team.
"By adopting CallConfirmLive! Pembrokeshire now have the information they need to review Provider performance, identify issues and create efficiencies across all of their Providers. This brings new levels of safety and reassurance to help reduce risks.