BeaconMedaes UK launches nitrous oxide exposure monitoring solution

Published: 3-Jul-2024

The medical gas expert has announced the immediate availability of a new one-month rental package designed to help hospitals monitor and manage staff exposure to nitrous oxide

BeaconMedaes UK, a medical gas pipeline system (MGPS) turnkey provider that designs and supplies bespoke solutions for the healthcare sector, has launched its new Nitrous oxide Exposure Monitoring Solution.

The Nitrous oxide Exposure Monitoring Solution is designed to help hospitals in the UK and Ireland monitor and manage staff exposure to Nitrous oxide and includes two Nitrous oxide detectors.

Full training, recording documentation, assessment data analysis, and a summary report also comes as part of the package. 

Supporting a safe working environment

In alignment with NHS England guidelines on minimising time-weighted exposure to nitrous oxide in healthcare settings, the Nitrous Oxide Exposure Monitoring Solution allows hospitals to better understand and manage their levels of staff exposure.

This is an essential step in ensuring the provision of a safe working environment for all staff.

The Nitrous oxide Exposure Monitoring Solution is designed to help hospitals in the UK and Ireland monitor and manage staff exposure to Nitrous oxide

Key features:

  • Two Nitrous Oxide Detector (NOD) units: Portable and lightweight, designed for continuous monitoring of Nitrous oxide concentrations
  • Full training: Comprehensive training for hospital staff on the use of the NOD units
  • Recording documentation: Detailed documentation to support the recording and analysis of exposure data
  • Assessment data analysis: Expert analysis of the collected data to assess exposure levels
  • Summary report: A thorough report summarising findings and recommendations

The Nitrous Oxide Detector (NOD)

The Nitrous Oxide Detector was developed by Swedish healthcare innovator Medclair, and is available exclusively through BeaconMedaes UK in the UK and Ireland.

It is an advanced tool designed to provide real-time indications of overexposure, logging data for user evaluation and self-education.

Full training, recording documentation, assessment data analysis, and a summary report also comes as part of the package. 

Portable and lightweight, the NOD ensures accurate measurement of nitrous oxide concentration in parts per million (ppm) and alerts users when exposure limits are exceeded.

Safety and sustainability

BeaconMedaes UK remains dedicated to supporting the NHS and healthcare professionals in achieving their safety and sustainability goals. This new solution exemplifies the company’s commitment to protecting the health and wellbeing of medical staff.

Paul Owen, National UK and I and Benelux SustainableProducts Sales Manager at BeaconMedaes UK, said: "BeaconMedaes UK continually seeks ways to aid and protect the staff who dedicate their lives to protecting and helping others. This solution allows the NHS to ensure the safety of its staff in accordance with the guidelines of nitrous oxide exposure limits." 

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