BioSphere - HCAI containment in 24 hours

Published: 2-Jul-2014

Howorth Air Technology adds relocatable isolation room to portfolio of products

Howorth Air Technology, known for its Exflow ultra clean ventilation canopy, has added a relocatable permanent or semi-permanent isolation room to its portfolio of products - BioSphere.

With BioSphere, hospitals can safely contain healthcare associated infections (HCAIs) and provide absolute biological decontamination in just 24 hours.

A BioSphere unit can be erected around a single bed quickly and easily and requires no remedial works to any existing services, ensuring minimal facility downtime. A ward can have a single unit, or as many as needed. BioSphere creates an individually-contained and managed mini environment around each patient care zone, which operates under a negative airflow system designed to contain pathogens and potential sources of HCAIs.

BioSphere delivers HEPA filtered air into the patient care zone to reduce the risk of airborne contamination. The air that is recirculated into the general surrounding area is fully conditioned, with all particulates removed by 99.995% to 0.3µ (H14) and further filtered using advanced activated carbon to remove any odours or chemical contaminants. This means the air that exits the BioSphere unit is purer than the standard air in the ward, so it also has a positive effect on the surrounding environment.

Each unit is fully stand-alone and requires no installation to any other HVAC. When a patient arrives in BioSphere, they will enter a unit that has been totally decontaminated just prior their arrival by Howorth’s unique BioGen Dry Vaporised Hydrogen Peroxide (DVHP) biological decontamination system (10-6 reduction), and can be confident that cross-contamination and HCAI reduction is a priority. The unit is an unobtrusive addition to the ward and provides a positive, private and reassuring environment that promotes wellbeing and encourages healing.

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